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Cardiff Montessori High has a broad and balanced curriculum. Please read more about OUR APPROACH to understand the key principles that underpin our curriculum.


Our Year 7 students (age 11-12) remain in the upper elementary class of Cardiff Montessori School as seniors where they complete the 9-12 Montessori curriculum in preparation for Year 8.


Our Year 8 class opens in September 2023. Students currently in Year 8 or 9 wishing to join please refer to our TUITION SERVICE


From Year 8, students enter into the adolescent community. 

All students attend English, Maths and Science lessons. They also all take part in farm work and enterprise. 


In addition to this, Year 8 and 9 students have a variety of additional lessons on offer covering a large breadth of subjects. By Year 10 they select the subjects they would like to pursue further and study these subjects, alongside English, Maths and Science, to obtain their GCSE's.


Our curriculum is structured as follows:


  • Formative education: Our foundation subjects- Ethics, Mathematics, Language, business enterprise and farm school.

  • The study of the earth and living things: Includes Geography, Geology, Biology, Cosmology, Botany, Zoology, Physiology, Astronomy.

  • The study of human progress and civilisation: Includes Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Genetics, Computer Science, Modern Languages.

  • Self-expression: Includes- Music, Drama, Art, Graphic design, Debating, Presenting, PE.


Secondary: GCSE options


Register tuition

Students at Cardiff Montessori High are able to select from the following GCSE subjects. Additional subjects may also be available, please discuss with the school. In some cases additional subjects may carry an extra cost. Students are expected to complete a minumum of 5 GCSEs. Subjects marked in bold are compulsory subjects. We recommend students select an addition 3-5 subject to complete 8-10 GCSEs.


  • Maths

  • Additional Maths

  • English Language

  • English Literature

  • Biology

  • Chemistry

  • Physics

  • Geography

  • History

  • Art and design

  • Spanish 

  • Religion and ethics


Additional possible subjects- please discuss with school: 



Computer Science 

Design and technology


Physical education 



©2021 by Cardiff Montessori School. 

Cardiff Montessori School  is operated by: 
Cardiff Montessori School Limited,  
Company number: 10033360  

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